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Bradley Wilson joins as an assistant research professor
Written by Kate Preston · February 9, 2021

Bradley Wilson joined CAFNR as an assistant research professor at the Fisher Delta Research, Extension and Education Center (FD-REEC) on Jan. 2. In this role, he will focus on developing, funding and conducting field experiments that improve cotton production practices in southeast Missouri.
“We are so glad to welcome Bradley to the Fisher Delta Research, Extension and Education Center,” said Shibu Jose, CAFNR associate dean for research and director of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Stations. “The FD-REEC is vital for local producers, and we are thrilled to add Bradley’s experience to the team.”
Wilson’s research and Extension program will focus on agronomics for Missouri cotton producers. The goal for his program is to provide timely research- based information for cotton producers that can be used as a decision-making tool in their operation.
“I am excited to be with the University of Missouri and thankful for this opportunity,” said Wilson. “The cotton program in 2022 will focus on establishing on-farm variety testing trials and evaluating management strategies that can potentially contribute to increases in profit margins for cotton producers.”
“It’s great to welcome Bradley to MU Extension and FD-REEC,” said Rob Kallenbach, CAFNR associate dean for extension. “His expertise is a key part of our plan to double the value of Missouri agriculture by 2030.”
Wilson earned his PhD in crop science from Oklahoma State University. As a PhD student, Wilson lead field data collection and analysis of a number of collaborative projects with Texas A&M AgriLife Research. He also evaluated cover crop species and termination timing for dryland cotton production, drip irrigation management in the panhandle and southwestern regions of Oklahoma, and statewide on-farm variety trials.
You can reach Wilson at