Ag Lime Control Service

Truck spreading lime on field

Ag Lime Control Service carries out the day-to-day administration of the Missouri Ag Liming Materials Law and Rules. With responsibility for the Ag Liming Materials Law since 1976, these activities are assigned to us by the Director of the Missouri Agricultural Experiments Station and include all the provisions included in the sections describing the Powers of the Director with the exception of making analyses.

Our offices are currently located at 3600 E. New Haven Road on South Farm in Columbia. Our field inspection staff of eight, who work out of their homes within their assigned territory, administers the field components of the laws. The office portion is accomplished by one manager.

It is our goal to emphasize the “Service” portion of our department name. So, if we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to call (573-882-4891) or contact us by email (

Ag Liming Material investigational allowances are 90% passing a U.S. #8 sieve and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) 65% minimum.

Sieve sizes used to determine effectiveness of the material are #8, #40, and #60. Effective Neutralizing Material (ENM) is calculated by assigning values to the retained portions. Material retained on the #8 has no value, material retained on #40 is allowed 25%, material retained on #60 is allowed 60%, while material passing the #60 is allowed 100%. These assigned percentages are added in the collected term, Fineness Factor (FF). ENM for the individual sample is calculated:

            % CCE          FF
    ENM = ---------  X  ---------  X  800
             100           100

Effective Magnesium (EMg) content is calculated:

             % Mg           FF
    EMg  = ---------  X  ---------  X  2000
              100           100

Stockpile rolling average is calculated by averaging the last three samples secured from the sampled stockpile.


Missouri Agricultural Liming Materials Reports

Financial Reports

Log in to the Ag Lime App


Compliance Manager – Theresa Wybrant,, 573-882-4891


Office Staff

Compliance Manager – Theresa Wybrant,, 573-882-4891

Field Staff by Territory

Advisory Council

Ag Lime Advisory Council Members

Other Resources

Missouri Fertilizer Control Program

Soil Test Interpretations and Recommendations – Originally written 1983 by Daryl D. Buchholz, Revised 2004 (PDF)