Missouri Foundation Seed (MFS) is a self-supporting program based at South Farm, a 1,452 acre research farm just south of Columbia that is part of the Central Missouri Research, Extension and Education Center. MFS is also represented at the Fisher Delta Research, Extension and Education Center. Established in 1944, MFS has strived to serve as the connection between MU breeders and Missouri producers while maintaining genetically pure seed stock.
MFS serves as the last step in the research process and the first in commercialization. Held to the standard of less than five off-types in 20,000 plants in each variety produced, MFS farms more than 1,100 acres in four counties across the state. MFS has the capacity to store over 100,000 bu of soybeans and wheat.
3600 New Haven Road
Columbia, MO 65202
MU South Farm is located on New Haven Road, one-quarter mile east of the AC/Grindstone exit off Highway 63 in southeast Columbia, Mo.
Call 573-884-SEED (7333)
- Director – Jeff McHugh, jdmn75@missouri.edu
- Farm Manager – Sean Black, dsbqwx@umsystem.edu
- Office Manager – Theresa Wybrant, wybrantt@missouri.edu
- Equipment Operator/Mechanic – Danny Crane
- Farm Hand/Student Workers – Ethan Gutz, Daniel Elliott
MFS offers 27 varieties of soybean and six varieties of wheat, RM 2.7 to 5.5, with the highest purity and quality of seed possible. Refer to the 2025 Missouri Soybean Seed Guide (See previous years: 2024, 2023 & 2022)
How To Order
We are open to the public for sales.
If you want to grow and keep the seed to resell to others you must have licenses in place with MCIA (Missouri Crop Improvement Association) or MSMC (Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council) depending on what variety you want. Contact Theresa Wybrant, MFS office manager, wybrantt@missouri.edu, first and she will direct you accordingly.
Contact Info on Licenses
MCIA – Richard Arnett, moseed@aol.com
MSMC – Bryan Stobaugh, bstobaugh@mosoy.org
If you just want seed to plant and sell as grain, for food plots or other uses, you must have an agreement with MFS that you will not resell as seed.
Order Forms
- Seed Purchase Agreement (Word)
- 2024 Soybean Order Form (Excel)
- 2024 Soy Letter to Seed Producers (Word)
- 2023 Wheat Order Form (Excel)
- 2023 Wheat Letter to Seed Producers (Word)
- Custom seed cleaning/conditioning
- Seed treatment
- Custom planting
- Custom harvesting
Why buy from MFS?
MFS is proud to serve Missouri soybean producers with a vast variety of soybeans and wheat that fit their individual wants/needs in a wide number of relative maturity groups, as well as the novel SOYLEIC soybeans that were discovered through checkoff-funded research.
MFS provides the highest quality and purity of seed with guaranteed analysis through Missouri Crop Improvement Association.
With your purchase, you support MFS, the University of Missouri, MU soybean breeders, Missouri farmers and their checkoff dollars.