Linneus (1,200 acres)
Local WeatherCornett Farm was established in 1965 when the University began leasing land from the Cornett family. The 1,200-acre farm was donated in 1981 upon the death of the last Cornett family member.
The primary research objective is the development and evaluation of forage/beef systems for all classes of beef cattle.
Identifying the interactions of cattle, plants and soil is key to understanding cause and effect relationships in forage/beef systems. Reproductive efficiency, milk production and liveweight gains are indicators of animal performance, while forage establishment, productivity patterns, use, persistence and sustainability are of agronomic and economic importance.
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21262 Genoa Road
Linneus, MO 64653
From US Highway 36
- Turn north on State Road FF 1 1/2 miles west of Brookfield.
- Follow FF about 6 miles to end of blacktop and turn west (left) onto Genoa Road.
- Follow signs 1 1/2 miles to office building on south side of road.
From MO Route 5
- Turn east on State Road P at Linneus.
- Proceed 2 miles east until Route P turns sharply north where Finn Road intersects on the curve.
- Follow Finn Road south 1 3/4 miles to Genoa Road.
- Turn east on Genoa Road and follow to office building on south side of road.
For general questions, contact Jennifer Allen, Business Support Specialist II, 660-895-512, jenniferallen@missouri.edu or Matt McDaniel, Farm Manager, mmv8w@missouri.edu
- Farm Manager – Matt McDaniel, mmv8w@missouri.edu
- Business Support Specialist II – Jennifer Allen, jenniferallen@missouri.edu
- Ag Associate II – Brooks Baker, bebcnp@missouri.edu
- Ag Associate II – Bryant O’Kane, okaneb@missouri.edu
- Ag Associate II – Matt Albertson, mtazq3@missouri.edu
- Assistant Research Professor & State Extension Specialist for Forage – Carson Roberts, PhD, carson.roberts@missouri.edu
Research Highlights
- Conduct grazing systems, backgrounding, feeding and heifer development studies with cow-calf pairs, weanlings and yearling steers and heifers.
- Part of the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN), a system of 114 stations developed and maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Extension & Education
- Conduct training workshops and schools throughout the year to address current beef production issues.
- Developed and conducts the internationally renowned Grazing School.
- Group tours including field days focused on forage/beef production research.
- CAFNR students gain research and educational experience at AES REEC across the state.
- Other MU schools, including the MU College of Veterinary Medicine, use the property for teaching their students.
- MU Extension – Agriculture and Environment Program