Cornett Research Farm

Cattle faces


Linneus (1,200 acres)

Local Weather

Cornett Farm was established in 1965 when the University began leasing land from the Cornett family. The 1,200-acre farm was donated in 1981 upon the death of the last Cornett family member.

The primary research objective is the development and evaluation of forage/beef systems for all classes of beef cattle.

Identifying the interactions of cattle, plants and soil is key to understanding cause and effect relationships in forage/beef systems. Reproductive efficiency, milk production and liveweight gains are indicators of animal performance, while forage establishment, productivity patterns, use, persistence and sustainability are of agronomic and economic importance.


21262 Genoa Road
Linneus, MO 64653

From US Highway 36

  • Turn north on State Road FF 1 1/2 miles west of Brookfield. 
  • Follow FF about 6 miles to end of blacktop and turn west (left) onto Genoa Road.
  • Follow signs 1 1/2 miles to office building on south side of road.

From MO Route 5

  • Turn east on State Road P at Linneus.
  • Proceed 2 miles east until Route P turns sharply north where Finn Road intersects on the curve. 
  • Follow Finn Road south 1 3/4 miles to Genoa Road. 
  • Turn east on Genoa Road and follow to office building on south side of road.


For general questions, contact Jennifer Allen, Business Support Specialist II, 660-895-512, or Matt McDaniel, Farm Manager,


Research Highlights

  • Conduct grazing systems, backgrounding, feeding and heifer development studies with cow-calf pairs, weanlings and yearling steers and heifers.
  • Part of the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN), a system of 114 stations developed and maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Extension & Education

  • Conduct training workshops and schools throughout the year to address current beef production issues.
  • Developed and conducts the internationally renowned Grazing School.
  • Group tours including field days focused on forage/beef production research.
  • CAFNR students gain research and educational experience at AES REEC across the state.
  • Other MU schools, including the MU College of Veterinary Medicine, use the property for teaching their students.
  • MU Extension – Agriculture and Environment Program