Novelty (700 acres)
Local WeatherThe Greenley Research Farm was established when Hortense Greenley donated the farm to the University. The major objective is to evaluate efficient, profitable crop production in northern Missouri while emphasizing soil conservation, water quality and energy efficiency.
64399 Greenley Place
Novelty, MO 63460
- Take highway 63 north to LaPlata and turn east onto Highway 156 (sign at that area says “UMC Greenley Center”).
- Go east for 17 miles on Hwy. 156.
- The farm will be on the left.
Mailing address:
PO Box 126
Novelty, MO 63460
For general questions, contact Donnie Hubble, deh476@missouri.edu, 660-739-4410
- Senior Farm Manager – Donnie Hubble, deh476@missouri.edu, 660-739-4410
- Ag Associate II – Steven McHenry, smmyt@missouri.edu
- Business Specialist II – Cortney Hyman, cortneyhyman@missouri.edu
- Senior Ag Associate – Kim Hall, mkh9gq@missouri.edu
- Professor & State Extension Specialist for Agronomy – Kelly Nelson, PhD, nelsonke@missouri.edu
- Assistant Professor & State Extension Specialist for Soil Science, Agroecology & Landscape Management – Gurbir Singh, PhD, singhgu@missouri.edu
- Assistant Research Professor – Gurpreet Kaur, PhD, gk478@missouri.edu
Research Highlights
- Evaluate new technology and crop management systems.
- Home of the MU Drainage and Sub-Irrigation (MUDS) research.
- Research on cattle and rotational grazing.
Extension & Education
- Workshops include a Grazing School and AI School.
- Group tours tailored to meet specific production interests.
- Location for a variety of graduate student projects.
- CAFNR students gain research and educational experience at AES REEC across the state.
- MU Extension – Agriculture and Environment Program