Southwest Research, Extension and Education Center


Mt. Vernon (893 acres)

Local Weather

The Southwest Research, Extension and Education Center (SW-REEC) was established in 1959; the site represents various soil types in this region. Serving 22 counties, this center addresses the main agricultural concerns of area industries including beef, forage and horticultural crop production.


14548 Highway H
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712

Located 4 miles SW of Mt. Vernon.
Westbound: Exit 44 off I-44, turn left onto Highway H for 2 miles.
Eastbound: Exit 38 continue east 4 miles on south outer road.


For general questions, contact Sarah Grubaugh, 417-466-2148


Research Highlights

  • Beef genetics, nutrition and management systems.
  • Horticultural and alternative crop research includes elderberry and grape cultivation.
  • Monarch Waystation and pollinator education plots.

Extension & Education