Centered around Columbia (~7,200 acres)
The Central Missouri Research, Extension and Education Center (CM-REEC) is composed of 14 different properties and covers approximately 7,200 acres in the central part of Missouri. With diverse interests that cover and include natural areas (Baskett Forest, Sorenson Estate, and Land of the Osages Research Farm), crop ground (Bradford Research Farm and others), a dairy herd (Foremost Dairy Farm), beef cattle and swine (South Farm), specialty crops (Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Farm), and historic sites (Sanborn Field and the Duley-Miller Erosion Plots), the CM-REEC is unique in the support it offers to research, Extension and public engagement.
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For general questions, call 573-882-4450 or contact Theresa Wybrant, wybrantt@missouri.edu, or Cheryl Recker, reckercl@missouri.edu
- Director – Dusty Walter, walterw@missouri.edu
- Assistant Director for Natural Resources – Tim Reinbott, reinbottt@missouri.edu
- Assistant Director for Crops – Andrew Biggs, biggsa@missouri.edu
- Assistant Director for Livestock – Joshua Peak, JPeak@missouri.edu
- Baskett Forest (2,266 acres)
- Bradford Research Farm (591 acres)
- DeLine Community Research Site (94 acres)
- Duley-Miller Erosion Plots (.25 acre)
- Foremost Dairy (1,065 acres)
- Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Farm (700 acres)
- Land of the Osages Research Farm (550 acres)
- Rocheford Turkey Research Farm (160 acres)
- Sanborn Field (5 acres)
- South Farm (1,452 acres)